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Long Forgotten Blog

Posted: August 23, 2013 in Uncategorized

How long has it been since i opened this blog? I don’t quit remember lol. yang jelas udah lamaaaa banget. Ini juga baru buka karena mau komen di blog orang hehe. mumpung lagi disini, gue mau review beberapa hal yang udah terjadi semenjak terakhir kali gue mampir di blog ini;

1. gue Kuliah

Iya. Setalah 2 tahun akhirnya gue balik lagi ke bangku sekolah. nothing much to expect since gue kuliah juga karena nyokap yang nyuruh. tapi kalo dipikir-pikir kalo ga kuliah gue mau ngapain coba? kerja juga pasti dapet gawean yang susah. ijazah SMA dijual dapet apa sih? pengen buka usaha juga ga ada modal. mau luntang lantung dirumah juga lama-lama pasti bosen. malu juga kali.. so, here i am, on my 3rd semester of english teaching major.

2. SMTown

22 September 2012, gue nekad pergi ke Jakarta tanpa bilang orang tua buat nonton kakak gue konser. Bukannya takut ga boleh sih, cuman karena satu dan lain hal gue mutusin buat ga bilang. Penasaran gimana gue bisa pergi 2 hari gitu aja dan ga ketahuan? padahal gue bukan Jakarta resident (domisili Lampung). Jawabannya adalah karena gue indekos sekarang hehe, rumah gue jauh dari kampus bo’… as simple as that gue pergi bareng rombongan yang baru saling kenal lewat jejaring sosial. the concert was memorable and a lot of fun






Semua foto dijepret sebelum konser dimulai, soalnya pas konsernya mulai battery hp malah ngedrop. eww

3. Dengue Fever

Pertama kalinya masuk rumah sakit sebagai pasien. I was hospitalized for 5 days. Yang paling gue benci dari rumah sakit adalah bukan bau obat-obaatannya, tapi makanannya, rasanya semua tawar >.<

4. Part time

Gue part time di laundry gitu. kerjanya cuma 4 jam, tai lumayan lah buat nambah duit pulsa. bos gue baik banget, keluarganya juga. sering ngebawain gue makanan kalo mau pas pulang ^___^

apa lagi ya? udah kayaknya. last word: blog, see you next time when i have write worthy story ^_^/

Posted: March 14, 2012 in Uncategorized


New Year 2012

Posted: January 1, 2012 in Random

Ah. finally this is new year. 2012 hehe

what did I do on new year eve was.. just went around Bukit Bintang. no no Twin Towers, last year was enough. too crowded, seriously, I couldn’t breath properly. Bukit Bintang itself was already packed with mass. Noe, Peby and Me went to mcDonalds’ for dinner, the fastest and nearest lol. and then we tried to go to pavillion. the music was so loud, people danced everywhere.

I’m not one of those people who like to dance in a crowd surrounded by strangers. I don’t know I feel like -.- with those sweating men skin rub mine. So we decided to went back to Sungei Wang, there the situation was more calm. What I noticed was that Pavillion was crowded by mostly Malaysian but Sungei wang was crowded by mostly Chinese Malaysian. Well maybe because there were a chinese singers concert at Sungei Wang.

The trumpet sounds! geezzz. It made my head hurt. and random people made fun with their friends with ‘snow spray’. yeah like when suddenly there was this old man sprayed us even though we told him to go away >.<

What Noe, Peby and I did was just sat on a bench waiting for the fire work, that was the only reason we went out that night lol and finally we heard the chinese artists countdown fro 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1…. FIRE WORKS \^o^/ peb cam it lol such a childish (kidding, peb..hehe), Noe and Me still sat on the bench. for few minutes we went @_@ haha

no new year without a pic, we took pics but it was in Peb’s Phone. The only pic in my phone,

Taken in front of Bukit Bintang Monorail. The street was closed.

It was around two We reached Noe and Peb’s place I took shower first, took a headache pill, and had noodle for supper while watch anime till 7 in the mornig lol.

I woke up at 1 pm. wrote an update about Bigeast report on CI 🙂 took shower and Went with Noe to Time Square for late breakfast plus lunch lol. Actually we planned to watch Twilight, but too bad the tickets already sold out 😦

We sat at the corner and open my laptop to watch random videos and disscus like always about TVXQ qnd Yunjae hehe.

at 9 pm, we decide to went back to our own places. here I am right now 🙂

Happy New Yeaar everyone ^^

I’m trying to make a list now 🙂

Posted: December 30, 2011 in Uncategorized


Posted: December 30, 2011 in Uncategorized

Posted: December 30, 2011 in Uncategorized

Fortune telling, Yunjae

Posted: September 14, 2011 in Fandom
Tags: ,

After reading many articles about Yunjae shipper doing fortune reading of Yunjae. I text Noe if she want to went to fortune teller with me. I explained her everything.

We did google-ing and decided to go to these two fortune teller. One at Sungay wang  plaza and the other at Berjaya Time Square. at the first day, we went to Berjaya time square. Looking for this madam named Alice Toh (?. if not mitaken). I was  sure I have ever seen her place at 4th floor, but when we looking aroundwe couldn’t find her. thought may be she moved, we searched from ground floor to 7th and still couldn’t find her.

2nd day we tried our luck at sungay wang, I didn’t know if this FT is a male or female, but let’s assume them as a male lol. I have ever seen his place too at ground floor and google said so. Since we couldn’t find any sign of his place at directory, we just search around ground floor. as I remember the place was right in front of a saloon (kimarie saloon I guess). But damn, we found nothing, even from 12t floor to 3rd back to ground floor again and then to the next floors. We were crazy.

We weren’t giving up, so we back to Time square. Short story, we finally found her place at 3rd floor. No wonder We couldn’t find the place, her previouse place was look like errrr pretty dark and smell of magic. but thiss, it was just plain and located at real corner. let’s say, hard to find.

A woman around 29 y.o. great us. we asked if we can do a tarot reading. she said yes. I thought She was Madam Alice’s assistant and Madam Alice herself who will do the reading but it wasn’t. This woman started put cards on the table and We realized she was the one who would do the reading. I asked If it was okay If the person we want to read wasn’t at there, and she said yes. Noe was about to pick the pics of Jae and Yun from her bag. But She said no need, we just have to think about the person.

She asked what do we want to know. We told her We want to know if this guy is in a relationship. She asked me to put my left hand on the cards and think about the person (I thought about JJ first) and the question silently and separated them in to two and let me picked seven cards. She started reading the card. She said “He isn’t in any relationship. He currently focus himself for his friends and family. If He has any girl He likes He will ask for his family and friends advices first” not exactly like that but it was about that. I was like huh? really. well I think It wasn’t spesific. Being unsatisfied I whishpered to Noe “Should we ask to the point?”. Noe was thought for awhile, “Go ahead”.  I explain her, “mmm. this guy is actually looks very feminine. We want to know If He is into guys or girls?”. I swear could see her smile a bit lol. and she shuffle the cards, let me put my hands on the cards, repeating the previous process, She said few things but the point was “He prever girls”.

Noe and I startled. It amazed me everytime I read this kind of fan account, fortune tellers always told that Jae is into guys. This was the first time there was Yunjae fortune reading stated that Jae is straight. Not we expect her to say that Jae prever guys……… Well a bit………… OKAYY MUCHOOOOOOOO

Yunho turn, she asked If we have same question as before, want to know If He’s in relationship? We said yess. I put my hand on the card and asked differently. I think about If Yunho is into guys or girls, not mentioning I f he’s in relationship or not. She read, ” He isn’t in any relationship as well. He focus on his work, He’s a hard word working man. and He enjoy his status as a single”.

WTH. You know What I think? From the first time She read JJ, I already doubt her. Please don’t call me pathetic or denying the result because of my Yunjae-ness. It’s not like that. believe me. If you were there you will feel the same too.

 If there is a reading that I think good and make sense It must be this,

She and  her friend went to three fortune teller!! Daebak! may be I should try it again?

Well, although It was disappointing, but we learn something haha.

And actually we on the first day, we were not only looking for Fortune teller but also gave a korean restaurant a picture of DBSK and they agreed to put in on their wall. detail later.. kinda busy now ;p


Posted: September 10, 2011 in Random

Tomorrow will do something with Noe. So now I need to prepare some pictures of Yunho, Jaejoong, and TVXQ. And having awkward chat with my cousin and uncle at the same time, *sigh* not that I don’t like them, I just can’t be close with them.
And a woman named Evelyn wall me asking my help to vote for her THREE dogs. well, being the kind I am, I voted and she wrote “TQVM”. Really a good way to say thanks. not that I complain. It’s nothing.
Somehow I regret log on facebook.

I’ve been in desperation days finding my passions lol. Everyone know what they want, but sometimes it’s covered by our scare, past experience, doubt. and It’s not easy to remove. need to believe in our true self. something that I myself am still learning.

I’m lack of control

Posted: September 2, 2011 in Random

Just want to tell, I should write something here awhile ago but then I end up doing something else like watching Yunjae vids, articles, and tweeting. and it’s near my time to go to work now *sigh*. I’m lack of control.

Oh yes. I think I’m gonna talk to my friend, May about this Yunjae thingy LOL. She has a supranatural ability. I don’t expect much. Jussst give it a try hehe


Posted: August 19, 2011 in Life
Tags: ,

These are things that I love  and want to do mostly i my life:


Have I ever been to Paris?, No.

 Have I ever been to Japan?, Nope.

Have I ever been to Japan?,  Never.

Have I..?, No I haven’t.

I have never been to anywhere.

But I know where I want to go in the near future^^











well, top five. I have more list but over all, these five places are a must. one or two years later. I’ll definitely go to these places. Berry-ah, fighting!!


Let’s say I’m not good at this yet.  But I’m trying, you know. everytime I dance I can feeling the awaken soul inside my heart and it built sparks in my chest. I love dancing. I love when my body just flow along my favorite songs. It’s true good feeling. Should I sign up for dance class?. I think so. Right after back to Indonesia of course.


Since I love Kpop much. Is there any Korean fans who don’t like or don’t want to learn Hangul? I don’t think so lol. I like watching Korean, Japanese, and Chinese drama, and I think their language is really interesting. Okay I,m getting sound boring lol. but it’s true. I have tobe  able to speak at least two of them.

I think I should stop now. I have night shift today and I need sleep for real.  Bbyeong!